--Level Export Script V2.0
--created by: Joshua Jones
-- last updated: April, 7 , 2011
aLights = #()
aObjects = #()
fsSaved = openfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
sWhere = readline fsSaved
sName = readline fsSaved
fsDirectory = (sWhere+ "\\" + sName + ".txt") as string
-- Creates the Interface Window.
utility uiExporter "Audyssey Level Exporter"
groupbox gbBrowser "DIRECTORY" width:175 height:160 pos:[10,5]
label lbName1 "1.) Select a place to save and" pos:[15,20]
label lbName2 "name for the environment script." pos:[15,32]
edittext etWhere "File Location:" fieldWidth:160 labelOnTop:true pos:[15,55] Text: sWhere
edittext etName "Name:" fieldWidth:160 labelOnTop:true pos:[15,95] Text: sName
button btnSave "Save" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,135]
groupbox gpObjectArrays "GENERATE" width:175 height:110 pos:[10,165]
label lbName3 "2.) Select all Objects you want" pos:[15,180]
label lbName4 " exported including lights." pos:[15,192]
button btnCreateArrays "Generate Arrays" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,215]
button btnRemoveTargets "Remove Light Targets" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,240]
groupbox gpExport "EXPORT" width:175 height:65 pos:[10,275]
label lbName5 "3.) Export Arrays to Game" pos:[15,290]
button btnExport "EXPORT" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,310]
groupbox gpExtra "EXTRA" width:175 height:95 pos:[10,340]
button btnReset "RESET" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,355]
button btnUndock "UNDOCK" width:80 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,380]
button btnDock "DOCK" width:80 height:24 align:#center pos:[95,380]
button btnManual "MANUAL" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,405]
on btnSave pressed do
fsSaved2 = createfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
format (etWhere.text + "\n") to: fsSaved2
format etName.text to: fsSaved2
close fsSaved2
messagebox "Information Saved"
on btnCreateArrays pressed do
CreateArrays $
on btnRemoveTargets pressed do
on btnExport pressed do
fsDirectory = createfile (etWhere.text + "\\" + etName.text + ".txt")
close fsDirectory
messagebox "Level Exported"
on btnUndock pressed do
cui.unregisterDialogbar uiExporter
on btnDock pressed do
cui.RegisterDialogBar uiExporter
--style:#(#cui_handles,#cui_floatable,#cui_dock_all )
cui.DockDialogBar uiExporter #cui_dock_left
on btnReset pressed do
on btnManual pressed do
fsManual = openfile "AudysseyExporterV2Manual.txt"
wManual = newscript()
for x=1 to 1000 do
sValue = readline fsManual
format (sValue + "\n") to: wManual
if eof fsManual == true do exit
close fsManual
fn resetData =
if (aLights.count != 0 or aObjects.count != 0) then
aLights = #()
aObjects = #()
fsSaved = openfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
sWhere = readline fsSaved
sName = readline fsSaved
--close fsSaved
fsDirectory = (sWhere + "\\" + sName + ".txt") as string
messagebox "Data already reset"
-- Moves Selection Objects into the correct coresponding array
fn CreateArrays selection =
if (aObjects.count == 0 and aLights.count == 0)then
aSelection = getcurrentselection()
if (aSelection.count > 1) then
For i=1 to aSelection.count do
sTempName = aSelection[i].name as string
If sTempName[1] == "L" do append aLights aSelection[i]
If sTempName[1] == "P" do append aObjects aSelection[i]
SelectionInformation $
messagebox "Selection is too small"
messagebox "You Already Added to the arrays"
--Displays A message box of the selection information and Arrays
fn SelectionInformation selection =
aSelection = selection as array
sSelLength = aSelection.count as String
sLitLength = aLights.count as String
sObjLength = aObjects.count as String
sTotal = (aLights.count + aObjects.count) as String
messagebox ("Total Selection: " + sSelLength + "\nNumber Sent to Object Array: " + sObjLength + "\nNumber Sent to Light Array: " + sLitLength + "\n Total: " + sTotal +" / " +sSelLength )
--removes targets from aLights
fn RemoveTargets =
sStartTotal = aLights.count as string
sRemoved = 0;
atemp = #()
for i=1 to aLights.count do
sName = aLights[i].name
if ( matchPattern sName pattern:"*.Target" == True) then
sRemoved = sRemoved + 1
append aTemp aLights[i]
aLights = atemp
print atemp
sFinalTotal = aLights.count as string
messagebox ("Starting Total Lights in Array: " + sStartTotal + "\nTargets removed: " + (sRemoved as string) + "\nNew Total in Array: " + sFinalTotal)
-- Corrects 3dsMax and Rounds to Zero. (removes "E"s from the export script)
fn zeroRound theInt =
if theInt > -0.001 and theInt < 0.001 do theInt = 0
return theInt
--- Prints Grid to Outfile.
fn PrintObjects =
--Print position / rotation / scale to environment script
for i=1 to aObjects.count do
oObject = aObjects[i]
-- Corects name (removes instance numbers)
sName = oObject.name
sName = trimright sName "1234567890"
-- rounds Values (positions)
mPos = oObject.position
mPos.x = zeroRound mPos.x
mPos.y = zeroRound mPos.y
mPos.z = zeroRound mPos.z
-- rounds Values (rotation) (Spits out the Quaternion)
mRot = oObject.rotation
mRot.x = zeroRound mRot.x
mRot.y = zeroRound mRot.y
mRot.z = zeroRound mRot.z
--** scale Parameters (Spits out the scale parameter)
mScale = oObject.scale
-- Prints values to File
print sName to: fsDirectory
print mPos to: fsDirectory
print mRot to: fsDirectory
Print mScale to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory
print "End of Grid" to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory
fn PrintLights =
for i=1 to aLights.count do (
if aLights[i] != "null" do -- "null" refers to a instanced light, skip if hit.
-- Sets Default Values
Lit1 = aLights[i]
sName = Lit1.name
mPos = Lit1.pos
iMultiplier = Lit1.multiplier
mColor = Lit1.rgb
mAtten = [0,0] -- baseline attenuation value
mAtten.x = Lit1.farattenstart
mAtten.y = Lit1.farAttenEnd
mAngle = [0,0] -- baseline Angle Value
sType = Lit1.type
-- Make placement variables if not a spot light.
if sType == #targetSpot then
mAngle.x = Lit1.hotspot
mAngle.y = Lit1.falloff
mTarget = Lit1.target.pos
-- These are defaults for an Omni Light
mAngle = [0,0]
mTarget = [0,0,0]
--Print Master Values to Outfile
Print sName to: fsDirectory
Print sType to: fsDirectory
Print iMultiplier to: fsDirectory
Print mColor to: fsDirectory
Print mAtten to: fsDirectory
Print mAngle to: fsDirectory
--Finds and prints positions instances then sets them as null
-- Sets position for self and instances here
for k=1 to aLights.count do
Lit2 = aLights[k]
if (Lit2 != "null" ) and (areNodesInstances Lit1 Lit2 == true) do --checks against self and nulls
-- Corrects Position.
mPos = Lit2.position
mPos.x = zeroRound mPos.x
mPos.y = zeroRound mPos.y
mPos.z = zeroRound mPos.z
Print "" to: fsDirectory
Print Lit2.pos to: fsDirectory
if Lit2.type == #targetSpot then
-- Corrects Target Position
mTarget = Lit2.target.pos
mTarget.x = zeroRound mTarget.x
mTarget.y = zeroRound mTarget.y
mTarget.z = zeroRound mTarget.z
mTarget = [0,0,0]
print mTarget to: fsDirectory
--print "" to: outfile
aLights[k] = "null"
Print "End_Light" to: fsDirectory
Print "End Of Lights" to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory
print "End Of Environment" to: fsDirectory
--Displays the Interface Window.
createDialog uiExporter 200 500
--cui.RegisterDialogBar uiExporter
--cui.DockDialogBar uiExporter #cui_dock_left