Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coming back from the dead.

Ok so after my computer died 4 months ago I finally got a new one! IT'S ABOUT TIME.
Anyways now I got all my programs back up and going and am restarting my work in zbrush! Here is the concept model I'll be working from.

It's a concept from a book called "MECHANIKA". The concept artist is Doug Chiang. This seems like a good first 'back on your feet' model since the details are spaced out and have fun proportions. I personally like the concept and am exited to work on it. I start tomorrow making the base concept mesh in 3ds Max only getting the core silhouette and proportions. From there the rest of the modeling if going to be all in Zbrush. This is going to be the first time I use Zbrush this extensively for a model and I'm rather interest on how it's going to turn out. I have had exposure to zbrush before and I feel confortable in the program, but this is going to be my first project where majority of it is through Zbrush's pipeline instead of Max or Maya. Topogun, Photoshop, and After Effects will all probably be used in here later.

I'll be trying to post every week on progress and my process.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Slums environment

completed the slums environment. not on ideal terms, wanted more time to refine alot of details and lighting. This was modeled, textured, lit, and animated in 5 day.

It was based off drawings I did early this year.
here are a few:

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hey everyone,
This is the teaser trailer for the game I've been working on for my senior year. Stay tuned for a link to the game install files so you can play for free!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1 to 1 3dsMax to Game. Level Exporter

So this is a script I've been working on for a while and I thought it was about time to post it. It's a Maxscript for 3DSMAX that turn 3dsMax itself into a level editor for our game. It acts like a WYSIWYG for us and is fast and easy which makes for quick iteration.

Without Further adieu here is the video.
pardon my stutter.

If you wanna see the Code for this, click on the spoiler box.


--Level Export Script V2.0
--created by: Joshua Jones
-- last updated: April, 7 , 2011


aLights = #()
aObjects = #()
fsSaved = openfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
sWhere = readline fsSaved
sName = readline fsSaved
fsDirectory = (sWhere+ "\\" + sName + ".txt") as string


-- Creates the Interface Window.
utility uiExporter "Audyssey Level Exporter"
groupbox gbBrowser "DIRECTORY" width:175 height:160 pos:[10,5]
label lbName1 "1.) Select a place to save and" pos:[15,20]
label lbName2 "name for the environment script." pos:[15,32]
edittext etWhere "File Location:" fieldWidth:160 labelOnTop:true pos:[15,55] Text: sWhere
edittext etName "Name:" fieldWidth:160 labelOnTop:true pos:[15,95] Text: sName
button btnSave "Save" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,135]

groupbox gpObjectArrays "GENERATE" width:175 height:110 pos:[10,165]
label lbName3 "2.) Select all Objects you want" pos:[15,180]
label lbName4 " exported including lights." pos:[15,192]
button btnCreateArrays "Generate Arrays" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,215]
button btnRemoveTargets "Remove Light Targets" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,240]

groupbox gpExport "EXPORT" width:175 height:65 pos:[10,275]
label lbName5 "3.) Export Arrays to Game" pos:[15,290]
button btnExport "EXPORT" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,310]

groupbox gpExtra "EXTRA" width:175 height:95 pos:[10,340]
button btnReset "RESET" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,355]
button btnUndock "UNDOCK" width:80 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,380]
button btnDock "DOCK" width:80 height:24 align:#center pos:[95,380]
button btnManual "MANUAL" width:160 height:24 align:#center pos:[15,405]


on btnSave pressed do
fsSaved2 = createfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
format (etWhere.text + "\n") to: fsSaved2
format etName.text to: fsSaved2
close fsSaved2
messagebox "Information Saved"

on btnCreateArrays pressed do
CreateArrays $

on btnRemoveTargets pressed do

on btnExport pressed do
fsDirectory = createfile (etWhere.text + "\\" + etName.text + ".txt")
close fsDirectory
messagebox "Level Exported"


on btnUndock pressed do
cui.unregisterDialogbar uiExporter

on btnDock pressed do
cui.RegisterDialogBar uiExporter
--style:#(#cui_handles,#cui_floatable,#cui_dock_all )
cui.DockDialogBar uiExporter #cui_dock_left

on btnReset pressed do

on btnManual pressed do
fsManual = openfile "AudysseyExporterV2Manual.txt"
wManual = newscript()
for x=1 to 1000 do
sValue = readline fsManual
format (sValue + "\n") to: wManual
if eof fsManual == true do exit
close fsManual



fn resetData =
if (aLights.count != 0 or aObjects.count != 0) then
aLights = #()
aObjects = #()
fsSaved = openfile "AudysseyExporterSavedData.txt"
sWhere = readline fsSaved
sName = readline fsSaved
--close fsSaved
fsDirectory = (sWhere + "\\" + sName + ".txt") as string
messagebox "Data already reset"

-- Moves Selection Objects into the correct coresponding array
fn CreateArrays selection =
if (aObjects.count == 0 and aLights.count == 0)then
aSelection = getcurrentselection()
if (aSelection.count > 1) then
For i=1 to aSelection.count do
sTempName = aSelection[i].name as string
If sTempName[1] == "L" do append aLights aSelection[i]
If sTempName[1] == "P" do append aObjects aSelection[i]
SelectionInformation $
messagebox "Selection is too small"
messagebox "You Already Added to the arrays"

--Displays A message box of the selection information and Arrays
fn SelectionInformation selection =
aSelection = selection as array
sSelLength = aSelection.count as String
sLitLength = aLights.count as String
sObjLength = aObjects.count as String
sTotal = (aLights.count + aObjects.count) as String
messagebox ("Total Selection: " + sSelLength + "\nNumber Sent to Object Array: " + sObjLength + "\nNumber Sent to Light Array: " + sLitLength + "\n Total: " + sTotal +" / " +sSelLength )

--removes targets from aLights
fn RemoveTargets =
sStartTotal = aLights.count as string
sRemoved = 0;
atemp = #()
for i=1 to aLights.count do
sName = aLights[i].name
if ( matchPattern sName pattern:"*.Target" == True) then
sRemoved = sRemoved + 1
append aTemp aLights[i]
aLights = atemp
print atemp
sFinalTotal = aLights.count as string
messagebox ("Starting Total Lights in Array: " + sStartTotal + "\nTargets removed: " + (sRemoved as string) + "\nNew Total in Array: " + sFinalTotal)


-- Corrects 3dsMax and Rounds to Zero. (removes "E"s from the export script)
fn zeroRound theInt =
if theInt > -0.001 and theInt < 0.001 do theInt = 0
return theInt

--- Prints Grid to Outfile.
fn PrintObjects =
--Print position / rotation / scale to environment script
for i=1 to aObjects.count do
oObject = aObjects[i]

-- Corects name (removes instance numbers)
sName =
sName = trimright sName "1234567890"

-- rounds Values (positions)
mPos = oObject.position
mPos.x = zeroRound mPos.x
mPos.y = zeroRound mPos.y
mPos.z = zeroRound mPos.z

-- rounds Values (rotation) (Spits out the Quaternion)
mRot = oObject.rotation
mRot.x = zeroRound mRot.x
mRot.y = zeroRound mRot.y
mRot.z = zeroRound mRot.z

--** scale Parameters (Spits out the scale parameter)
mScale = oObject.scale

-- Prints values to File
print sName to: fsDirectory
print mPos to: fsDirectory
print mRot to: fsDirectory
Print mScale to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory
print "End of Grid" to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory

fn PrintLights =
for i=1 to aLights.count do (
if aLights[i] != "null" do -- "null" refers to a instanced light, skip if hit.
-- Sets Default Values
Lit1 = aLights[i]
sName =
mPos = Lit1.pos
iMultiplier = Lit1.multiplier
mColor = Lit1.rgb
mAtten = [0,0] -- baseline attenuation value
mAtten.x = Lit1.farattenstart
mAtten.y = Lit1.farAttenEnd
mAngle = [0,0] -- baseline Angle Value
sType = Lit1.type

-- Make placement variables if not a spot light.
if sType == #targetSpot then
mAngle.x = Lit1.hotspot
mAngle.y = Lit1.falloff
mTarget =

-- These are defaults for an Omni Light
mAngle = [0,0]
mTarget = [0,0,0]

--Print Master Values to Outfile
Print sName to: fsDirectory
Print sType to: fsDirectory
Print iMultiplier to: fsDirectory
Print mColor to: fsDirectory
Print mAtten to: fsDirectory
Print mAngle to: fsDirectory


--Finds and prints positions instances then sets them as null
-- Sets position for self and instances here
for k=1 to aLights.count do
Lit2 = aLights[k]
if (Lit2 != "null" ) and (areNodesInstances Lit1 Lit2 == true) do --checks against self and nulls
-- Corrects Position.
mPos = Lit2.position
mPos.x = zeroRound mPos.x
mPos.y = zeroRound mPos.y
mPos.z = zeroRound mPos.z

Print "" to: fsDirectory
Print Lit2.pos to: fsDirectory

if Lit2.type == #targetSpot then

-- Corrects Target Position
mTarget =
mTarget.x = zeroRound mTarget.x
mTarget.y = zeroRound mTarget.y
mTarget.z = zeroRound mTarget.z

mTarget = [0,0,0]

print mTarget to: fsDirectory
--print "" to: outfile
aLights[k] = "null"
Print "End_Light" to: fsDirectory
Print "End Of Lights" to: fsDirectory
print "" to: fsDirectory
print "End Of Environment" to: fsDirectory


--Displays the Interface Window.
createDialog uiExporter 200 500
--cui.RegisterDialogBar uiExporter
--cui.DockDialogBar uiExporter #cui_dock_left

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Latest environment concept.

Favela = Slums in Rio de Janeiro.

all Process will be uploaded shortly.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lab Equipment

This is just one of the lab assets for the game i'm currently working on. I'm gonna go over a bit of my process of how I created the texture.

This is the final render of the asset in 3dsmax.

Before I go into any detail in the texture I check the proportions of colors in the game. I do this by a simple color overlay above the UVs. This is normally fast and ugly and is just to make sure everything still works before I invest more time.

After the colors are correct and proportions of them are set. I then block in all the major forms. These are pretty much the details of the model besides the dirt,dust,grime, and human touches.

After the forms are correct and it still looks good in game I add all the textures that it will encounter in its environment. this is everything from external forces like worn spots from multiple human contant to self enducing like exhaust stains from vents.

I duplicate my layers, then go over those layers in my photoshop file and think of specularity and change every texture to correctly match how it would reflect light.

I then go over a simular process and do it for how the height is changed per texture and create a normal map.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Audyssey Process: Part 1

Screenshots fro our "first playable" presentation.

The first thing I thought about when doing this level is silhouette of the level itself. Here are a few sketches of what I wanted in the level.

Audyssey Process: Part 2

After figuring out the level silhouette I went back and did some rough sketches of the environment.

Then I filled in the blanks and did a number of sketches for props and environment details.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back at School

Back at school and polishing up some stuff from last semester. Here is the demo reel recently completed.
Next step is to make a modular building set. I plan to use newly found z-brush skills I've been trying over break.
anyways here's the demo reel as fore mentioned: